Better tax collection measures call for upward revision of future budget surpluses

The measures to limit tax evasion have filled state coffers and created new data for fiscal policy and the targets set for future primary surpluses and debt.
Following the execution of this year's state budget, revenue exceeded targets by 1.9 billion euros, while updated assessments by the economic leadership show that in coming years Greece can expect a revenue surplus of 2.0-2.5 billion euros on an annual basis.
Such new fiscal data will be reflected in the forecasts for the 2025 state budget expected to be tabled in Parliament early in October, as well as in the medium-term program for 2024-2027, currently in discussion with Brussels and expected to be finalized within October. National Economy & Finance Minister Costis Hatzidakis affirmed these positive developments in statements to Bloomberg last week when he revealed that in 2024 the primary surplus will be higher, at 2.4% of GDP, against the initial assessment of 2.1% of GDP. The ministry is expected to revise its targets for the primary surplus over the next few years, raising it above the current forecast of the medium-term program (of 2.1% of GDP).
These developments, combined with the fact that Greece's growth rate is quite higher than other EU countries, provide a margin for greater flexibility to economy officials in terms of expenditure policies, without endangering the policy of fiscal responsibility, and benefit efforts to reduce the country's debt.
Because of the higher revenues this year, the prime minister's announcements at the Thessaloniki International Fair this month included an additional package of measures for financial relief and support totaling 500 million euros, with the EU's full agreement.
See also:
New tax procedures make it harder for independent businesses to evade taxes
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