India gives Best Heritage Destination award to Greece

Greece received the Best Heritage Destinations in the World Award at India's Best Awards IBA 2018. The readers of India's travel magazine Travel+Leisure India and South Asia declared Greece top destination of world cultural heritage.
This new distinction, according to Tourism Ministry's announcement, reflects the dynamic of the Greek tourism in India as for Greece the opening to India's tourist market is among the top priorities. The results are already apparent with the doubling of the flights arrivals from India to Greece in the period January-September 2018 against the same period in 2017.
The Greek National Tourism Organisation (GNTO) participates in the two last years in the International Tourist Fair «Outbound Travel Mart» in Mumbai. It also promotes Greece as an internationally attractive destination for hosting cinema and TV productions of India with aim the direct support of the tourist flow from India to Greece and the country's promotion in Asia through television and movies.