FinMin: State to waive legal claims on issues related to mental anguish in Mandra, Mati disasters

New National Economy and Finance Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis ruled out on Thursday the possibility of reinstating the two bonuses known as 13th and 14th monthly wages, as well as the corresponding bonuses for pensioners.
According to the minister, the total cost of reinstating these would amount to 8 billion euros (5 billion euros for the pensions and 3 billion euros for the wages), and said "this funding does not exist." He added that "even if they did exist, it would not be fair," because the government's duty is that "all social groups be supported, as much (funding) as possible to as many as possible."
Speaking to ANT1 TV, and asked about suits against relatives of the victims in the Mandra floods and the Tempi train collision that the state is winning in court cases, Pierrakakis noted there will be a regulation through which the state will waive its legal claims on issues of mental anguish and ethical harm in these two tragedies. In the latter case, he said, there were no rulings yet, adding that "the government has a philosophy for everything - we don't wag a finger at anyone, we shake hands."
The FinMin also announced that a drft law on out-of-court settlements will be tabled in Parliament this coming week with new regulations that will include the entire middle class. In relation to raises in Armed Forces salaries through funds gained by the National Defense Ministry's rationalization of expenditures, the amount distributed and details will be announced by the relevant minister on Friday.