PASOK-KINAL: Gov't should change taxation instead of making campaign promises

Instead of campaign promises ahead of elections in 2027, the prime minister and his new economy minister should reveal whether they plan to fundamentally change the taxation mix by reducing indirect taxes, PASOK-Movement for Change (KINAL) said on Monday after the prime minister paid a visit to Finance Ministry following cabinet changes.
The finance section of the main opposition party said it was the government's sixth year in power, yet Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis "promises tax cuts at the end of the voting cycle, after Greeks have first paid an additional 15 billion euros in 2024 compared to 2019 - that is, a rise of over 29%, when the real GDP rose by only 10% relative to 2019."
PASOK-KINAL said that "while gross incomes in Greece have risen by 10.93%, income tax has risen in 2020-2023 by 41.01%, which eats away at net income."
"Therefore, instead of campaign promises, the prime minister and the new Finance Minister [Kyriakos] Pierrakakis should reply as to whether they will fundamentally change the taxation mix - by reducing indirect taxes and putting an end to tax relief for the wealthy, dividends, and large property assets - and will readjust the taxation scale so that citizens can see actual increases in their pockets," the party underlined.
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Tsoukalas: This government cannot remain at the helm of the country any longer