Theodorikakos: We place great emphasis on reducing social and regional inequalities

"For the first time in the new development law, there will be a separate regime totaling 150 million euros for investment projects of at least 2 million euros each that will be developed in the border prefectures. This primarily concerns Macedonia and Thrace, which we support with actions. We place great emphasis on reducing social and regional inequalities," stressed Minister of Development Takis Theodorikakos, speaking on Saturday at an event of the Secretariat of Productive Bodies and Entrepreneurship of New Democracy at the 33rd Money Show in Thessaloniki, as well as at the official Gala as a representative of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.
The Minister of Development emphasized that "in the coming period, there will be a series of interventions concerning Thessaloniki, which can only promote the city in the coming years. It has a new dynamic identity and exceptional advantages that are further highlighted through new infrastructure. It is absolutely certain that Thessaloniki will emerge as the capital of the Balkans and the wider Southeast Mediterranean region".
Theodorikakos also mentioned that "in the next 100 days, a series of reforms concerning business will be promoted. A bill for the reduction of the administrative bureaucratic burden by 25%, as well as for the entire system of accreditation and certification of products and services with the establishment of the National Digital Registry for businesses, the products and services they sell. This is something that will enhance the competitiveness of our companies and the sense of security."
The Minister of Development added that the ultimate goal of development measures is to address the acute demographic problem of Greece.
He also spoke about the steady development path of Greece and what has been achieved over the last six years despite the very difficult international environment that has emerged and the huge changes at global level. He mentioned Moody's decision to award investment grade to Greece, saying that "this proves that Greece is fiscally stable and reliable and that our economy has very good prospects."