New ministers take office

Immediately after the meeting of the cabinet with its new composition, at the Maximos Mansion, the new ministers went to the ministries where the handover ceremonies took place.
In a very good and friendly atmosphere was held the handover ceremony at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, with the new Minister Christos Dimas and the Deputy Minister Constantinos Kyranakis receiving the ministry's crucial portfolio from the outgoing Minister Christos Staikouras.
The outgoing Minister in his speech, presented an account of his work, noting that within 21 months we tried to complete and launch interventions that had been languishing or dragging on for decades. He added that he took office 4 months after the tragic accident in Tempi, with society rightly seeking the emergence of the truth and the rendering of justice.
The new Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Christos Dimas, thanked the Prime Minister for the trust he showed in him, noting that he understands the criticality of this difficult ministry. "We have very specific goals, we will work with all the services of the ministry to achieve timetables and goals", he said.
"We will continue with the two new deputy ministers, Aristos Doxiadis and Lazaros Tsavdaridis, the general secretaries and the staff of the Ministry of Development, our work, with an eye on society, in order to implement the goal of the new production model in the country".
This was noted by Development Minister Takis Theodorikakos, at the handover ceremony of the two new Deputy Ministers, Lazaros Tsavdaridis in the sector of industry and Aristos Doxiadis in the sector of research and innovation, which they received from the former Deputy Ministers Anna Mani-Papadimitriou and Zoi Rapti.
The collaboration of Greek public universities with leading universities abroad, such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Imperial, for postgraduate level collaborations, was announced by the outgoing Minister of Education, Kyriakos Pierrakakis, during the handover-reception ceremony at the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports.
He also announced that as the new Minister of Finance, he will proceed with increasing the Recovery Fund's allocation for the extroversion of Greek public universities, from 62 to 82 million euros.
On her part, the Education Minister Sofia Zacharaki committed to an education with a human-centered character adding that the new leadership will focus on the content of education, so that it becomes qualitative and on improving the daily life of the teacher.