Hatzidakis: Moody's upgrade certifies Greece's return to European normality

"I am pleased that my last statement as Economy and Finance Minister concerns the upgrade of the Greek economy to investment grade by Moody’s, one of the most important credit rating agencies internationally," Kostis Hatzidakis said on Friday following the statement of the rating agency.
"Today's upgrade marks the end of a major cycle for the Greek economy and certifies the country's return to European normality. It is the result of the systematic effort made over the last 5.5 years, which was not easy, amidst international crises and geopolitical instability. And it is obviously a success not only for the government, but for all Greeks.
Following Moody's upgrade, all of the rating agencies recognized by the European Central Bank have upgraded the Greek economy to investment grade. The upgrade by Moody's also marks the beginning of a new cycle. Because the upward trend must continue in order for our country to rise even higher. It is up to us, not only to leave the crisis behind once and for all, but also to continue the upward trend of recent years, with a plan, seriousness and determination to improve the lives of Greeks and ensure a positive future for our country.
Moody's announcement regarding the results of the government's economic policy is clear and no further comments are needed. Among other things, focus is placed on the rapid reduction of debt, the increase in revenues by tackling tax evasion, without increasing taxes but - on the contrary - by reducing social security contributions, the overperformance of the budget and the reduction of non-performing loans.