Members of Parliamentary committee investigating Triantopoulos selected and announced

The members of the ad hoc parliamentary committee that will conduct the preliminary investigation into whether former deputy minister to the prime minister Christos Triantopoulos was guilty of breach of duty through his actions at the site of the tragic Tempi accident were decided on and made public on Friday, following the selection of independent MP Athina Linou to represent the 23 independent MPs in Parliament. Linou was chosen by lot among 10 independent MPs that expressed an interest in participating.
The remainder of the 27 MPs making up the committee were chosen by the parties in parliament, in proportion to their relative strength in Parliament. Ruling New Democracy will be represented by 14 MPs, main opposition PASOK-Movement for Change by three MPs, SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance by two MPs, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) by two MPs, each of the remaining parties by one MP and finally, Linou for the independents.
The committee is to hold its first meeting at 10:00 on Tuesday, March 18, in order to elect its presidium in a secret ballot. The first meeting will be chaired by Kaklamanis, in accordance with Parliamentary rules.

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