Androulakis: Only PASOK and its programme can remove New Democracy from government

"The reshuffle is what will lead New Democracy into the ranks of the opposition. It is a government in retreat and this was also evident from the Prime Minister's presence in the three-day debate in Parliament on the motion of no confidence," the leader of main opposition PASOK-Movement for Change, Nikos Androulakis, stated on Friday regarding the government reshuffle. 

Talking to Action24 TV, Androulakis said the prime minister "did not answer anything" and only let off "fireworks" in order to the steer the discussion toward the "fireworks churned out by the New Democracy communication mechanism" instead of having a meaningful discourse.

Androulakis also referred to the dilemma of the next elections: "Which programme can become a government plan: The conservative programme, which was judged to be the one that brought corruption, new inequalities and treats the state as plunder, or the PASOK programme with specific reforms that will change the state and with investment in the social state?" 

He added that "in the elections, all of us and the work we do will be judged. We have a programme, we are not a one-man party. For the country to change, it needs a government plan and we have it. At the end of this process, the Greek people will judge who can govern." 

As Androulakis said, "Only PASOK and its programme can remove New Democracy from government."

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